It seems like HBO has something to hide. In an uncommon yet not unheard of move, they have chosen to keep the lid shut tight on releasing descriptions for the final two episodes of Season 6 of Game of Thrones. Episode 9, which will premiere Sunday, is entitled “Battle of the Bastards,” so really a description isn’t totally necessary. We can rightly assume it has everything to do with the long-awaited showdown between Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton. In fact, judging from the teasers, it appears it will be much like Episode 9 of Season 4, “The Watchers on the Wall,” which broke from GoT‘s pattern of jumping around from story to story. The entire episode instead focused solely on Jon Snow and the Night’s Watch defending the Wall from the Wildling Army. We didn’t meet up with other key characters until the finale.

Episode 10 of Season 6 is entitled “The Winds of Winter.” The episode shares its name with the long-awaited sixth book by George R.R. Martin. Perhaps we can glean two things from this: we’re going to be dealing with White Walkers in a big way, and the showrunners are building up Season 7, as it will be the first season to hit the airwaves after the release of Martin’s book. Hopefully…for freak’s sake.

Regardless, it’s an interesting move, keeping us all completely in the dark, which makes us think there are some really huge shifts coming our way. Not that the episode descriptions have ever been enlightening really. For example, the last episode, “No One,” bore this as its descriptor:

While Jaime weighs his options, Cersei answers a request. Tyrion’s plans bear fruit. Arya faces a new test.

Yeah, thanks.

Still, HBO did offer these synopses:

“Battle of the Bastards”: Terms of surrender are rejected and accepted.

“The Winds of Winter”: Cersei faces her trial.

The cable giant has also confirmed the finale will be 15 minutes longer than a normal episode. Why not 30? 45?

“Battle of the Bastards” will air on HBO Sunday, June 19.


Image via HBO